

In Discovery, incidents serve a wide range of purposes and handle various tasks and requests. Much like customer support tickets, they assist in managing customer issues, including service level adjustments, missed pickups, malfunctioning equipment, and more. Yet, incidents aren't confined to solely customer inquiries; they also tackle internal tasks your team needs to accomplish, such as data collection for onboarding, account setup, and customer orientation. By utilizing incidents for these tasks, you gain the ability to effortlessly track and monitor request progress, receiving timely updates from your team as they work.

Incidents are further organized by their Type, Reason, and Status. Discovery allows for configuration of your Tenant's Type and Reasons via the administrator settings page, permitting deep customization of the system for each Tenant's business. Incidents give a centralized area for key customer data to sit inside Discovery, and allow for normalized storage of photos, comments, and files.

Features and Usage

  • An Incident may be opened for any client related activity that may need referenced in the future. This includes errors and omissions by the hauler, new service steps while on-boarding customers, and similar scenarios that you might encounter while managing your waste services.
  • Incidents can be tied directly to a Service, a Location, and assigned to an Employee within your Tenant.
  • Incidents have a built in To Do Checklist that allows tasks to be created, sorted, and marked as complete as your team works on the Incident.
  • Incidents are also visible in the integrated Client Reporting Portal. Client Users in the portal can engage with Tenant Employees using External Comments.

How do I?

What Makes an Incident

Primary Fields

  • Assigned to: The employee who is responsible for this Incident. There is an Assignment History available to see a log of who else has worked on the Incident. 
  • Due on: The date on which the Incident next needs action, or is hopefully resolved. Think of this as a "target completion date".
  • Status: The stage of the Incident. This is updated as the incident progresses from receipt, to internal work, and through to completion (Closed). An incident can have the following statuses: New, Needs Additional Information, Awaiting Execution, In Progress, On Hold, Escalated and Closed.
  • Type: The type of incident being created. Examples: Billing, Feature Request, Question, Initiate Service, Swap Out Roll Off, Terminate Service, External Reporting, etc. The type options available for your tenant can be managed under the tenant settings screen.
  • Reason: This field allows you to select from a variety of (Tenant specific) reasons for the Incident. Discovery comes with many common reason options loaded into your tenant upon sign up. These include things such as Missed Pickup, On-call pick up , Broken/Malfunctioning Equipment, and New Service Level Request. The available reason options can be managed in the tenants settings area of Discovery.
  • Internal Comments: Similar to External Comments, however these are only visible to authenticated Employees.
  • External Comments: Incidents have a commentary log that is visible to anyone who has access to the incident, including customers and other non-employees through the Client Portal. This allows all relevant parties to stay informed and up-to-date on the progress of the incident.
  • Documents: Incidents have a complete and user-friendly file upload feature that allows you to easily upload various file types, such as photos and PDF files. This feature is particularly useful when providing additional information related to the problem.

To Do Checklist Items

As you and your team are working through the incident management process, you'll often find yourself needing to keep a To Do style list of tasks that need to be done (often times in a specific order). Discovery's incident system provides an intuitive and powerful To Do list implementation to track individual tasks as your incidents are being worked.