Vendor Invoices
Once a Vendor Invoice file has been Gathered and its data Extracted, it gets processed into what's referred to as a Vendor Invoice in Discovery. A Vendor Invoice represents a fully digitalized copy of the invoice (along with its Line Items) that includes references to the Extracted and Gathered PDF file. Vendor Invoices provide the basis for auditing charges and extracting valuable information for reporting purposes.

- Matched - The invoice has been generated and the line items have been classified into Service Charges, Extraneous Charges, and Allocatable Fees. The Services on the Vendor Account have been matched to the Service Charges.
- Allocated - The Allocatable Fees on the invoice have been mathematically allocated across the Service Charges, Allocated Values have been generated.
- Audited - The invoice has been audited against any Vendor Contract data that may be present for the Services on the Vendor Account..
- Approved - The invoice is approved. Billable Expenses, if required, have been generated, and the charges may be Posted to an an integrated accounting system.
- Posted - The invoice was received by the integrated accounting system and is in the queue for payment.
- Paid - The invoice was marked as Paid by the integrated accounting system.

- A vendor invoice is tied to a single Vendor Account. This is done during the Extraction phase and is always based on the vendor account number on the Extracted Invoice. The Services that are matched to Service Charge line items on a Vendor Invoice are always derived from the Vendor Account.
- A vendor invoice contains many Vendor Invoice Line Items.
- Upon Allocation, a Vendor Invoice will generate Allocated Values for its service charge line items.
- Upon Approval, a Vendor Invoice will generate Billable Expenses for its service charge line items.
A vendor invoice may be revised if one or more of its line items are charged outside of the contracted terms and conditions. These revisions materially impact the approved amount of the invoice.
How do I?
- How do I generate Allocated Values for a Vendor Invoice?
- How do I audit a Vendor Invoice?
- How do I approve a Vendor Invoice
Invoice Details
- Type: a string representing the type of invoice. This will be auto-selected based on the corresponding Vendor Account that's tied to the invoice.
- Billing Address: a string representing the billing address for the invoice.
- Invoice Number: a string representing the invoice number, generated by the Vendor.
- Invoice Date: a date object representing the date of the invoice.
- Fiscal Period: a date object representing the fiscal period for the invoice.
- Invoice Document: The raw PDF document, from the Gathered Vendor Invoice File.
- Total Current Charges: a monetary value representing the total current charges on the invoice.
- Adjusted Total Current Charges: a monetary value representing the adjusted total current charges on the invoice after auditing.
- Balance: a monetary value representing the balance on the invoice.
- Status: This is the status of the invoice.
- Match to Revenue Errors: a collection of errors that occurred during the matching of the invoice to revenue data.
- Approved At: a timestamp indicating when the invoice was approved.
- Posted At: a timestamp indicating when the invoice was posted to a third party accounting system (if any).
- External Accounting Id: a string representing the external accounting system ID associated with the invoice. This is only applicable for customers using a Quick Books or other account system integration.

If you have additional questions or need more in depth information, please feel free to send us a message using the help beacon in the lower right-hand corner.