Client Accounts
What is a Client Account?
A Client Account contains one or more Locations (which in turn can contain one or more Services).
Client Accounts are uniquely linked to Client Companies and offer the flexibility to store tailored Client Invoice preferences, while enabling the consolidation of invoices across one or multiple Locations. This functionality empowers your Client Companies to receive a singular, comprehensive invoice encompassing all Locations and Services managed by your organization.
Client Invoice Line Items generated in Discovery (Revenue only) will always be associated with a Client Account.
How Do I?
Client Account Components
- Client Company - Each Client Account must be linked to a pre-existing Client Company.
- Name - Identifiable label for this Client Account.
- Account Number - System generated account number based on the Client Company ID
- Primary Contact Name - The con name for the primary person who will receive Client Invoices for this Client Account.
- Primary Email Address - The email address for the primary contact who will receive emails and delinquent notices directly.
- Payment Terms - This is number of days relative to the Client Invoice invoice date that the client will have to pay their Client Invoice. This is used by Discovery to automatically bump the status of Sent invoices to Delinquent.Billing Address - The client's billing address
- Default Payment Method - The default method of payment for this client. This is not used other than for your team to record the expected method of payment.
- Billing Address - The address to which Client Invoices are sent for this specific Client Account.
Client Invoice / Credit Memo Settings
Client Accounts provide default invoice settings to any Client Invoices or Client Credit Memos that are generated under the account. This allows you to bill your Clients in a consistent manner and helps to make sure that nothing unexpected happens. All of these settings may be overridden at the Client Invoice level as need be:
- Invoice Template View - Specifies the invoice template to be used when rendering the invoice as a PDF.
- Other Invoice Recipients - Provide a list of email addresses separated by commas for recipients who should receive Client Invoices and Delinquent Notices in addition to the Primary Email Address.
- Display Account Name in place of Company on Invoice - Active/Inactive toggle.
- Show Service Location Names In Invoice - Active/Inactive toggle. If Active, the location's street address is shown alongside the Location's Name.
- Single Invoice Per Period - Active/Inactive toggle. If Active, ensures that only one invoice can be generated per fiscal period (per month is the only time frame currently available).
- Exempt From Finance Charge - Active/Inactive toggle.
- Bill Unaudited Vendor Invoice Line Items - Active/Inactive toggle. Instructs Discovery to generate Billable Expenses using the initial (no adjustments) Vendor Invoice Line Items instead of the the audited line items that may contain adjustments.
- Set Invoice as Due Upon Receipt - Active/Inactive toggle. Updates the Client Invoice due date to Due Upon Receipt.

If you have additional questions or need more in depth information, please feel free to send us a message using the help beacon in the lower right-hand corner.