Configuring the Pioneer Monitor
Before you Begin
If you have not reviewed Linking a Pioneer Monitor to a Device Service & Monitored Service, please visit this help article before proceeding: Linking a Pioneer Monitor to a Device Service
Navigating to the Compactor Configuration
Navigate to the Device Service's Details Page. You may search using the Device Service ID in the universal search bar.
On the details page, look for the "Compactor Monitor Configuration" section, and the Edit button next to the title.
Compactor Monitor Configuration Options
Field Name | Value Type | Description |
Enable Training Mode | Yes/No | Training Mode progressively pushes the device FROM the "Average Baseline Days Between Pickups" TO the "Target Days Between Pickups" by using the "Gradual Step Improvement" value. |
Create New Work Orders | Yes/No | Instructs Discovery to create a new Work Order when a predicted pickup is needed. |
Pickup Management Start Date | Date | A reference date input by a user that indicates the day Pioneer/Discovery became responsible for managing service requests. |
Average Baseline Days Between Pickups | Decimal | The average number of days between pickups prior to using the Pioneer Monitoring system. Weekly pickups = 7 days, 2x/wk = 3.5 days, etc. |
Minimum Days Between Pickups | Integer | This setting ensures at least X days have passed since the last pickup before requesting a new one. Default is 2. |
Maximum Days Between Pickups | Integer | This setting ensures a pickup will be scheduled at least every X days. This is particularly useful if you require a pickup at least once per month, but would still like to leverage variable predictions. |
Gradual Step Improvement | Integer | This value is only used during Training Mode. This value represents the number of Days that will be added to the then-current number of days between pickups. For example if the Average Baseline Days Between Pickups is 7, and the Target is 10, and the Gradual Step Improvement is 1, the second pickup will be 7+1 = 8 days, the third pickup 8+1= 9 days, etc. |
Create Work Orders X Days Prior to Projection | Integer | The number of days of lead time that a Work Order will be created when a prediction is detected. Increase this value to create work orders earlier, or decrease the value to increase the accuracy of the prediction. |
Target Days Between Pickups | Integer | The target or goal value for Average Days between Pickups. Often compared to the Average Baseline Days Between Pickups value to understand savings via reduced service. |
Target Percentage Full | Integer | The target fullness percentage of a container. The system will use this to determine a project a Predicted Pickup date, count backwards by the Create Work Orders X Days Prior to Projection, and Create a Work Order on that date. |
Monitor Configuration Options: