Client Account Fees
What is a Client Account Fee?
A Client Account Fee is a type of Client Fee that can be billed as a Client Line Item on your Client Invoices. Because these fees are applied at the Client Account level, they can be used to generate client line items thataggregate data across all locations under the given Client Account and all Services that fall under those Locations.Client Account Fees generate a single client line item (per billing frequency) for a given client invoice.
How Do I?
This feature is only available to customers using our revenue module.
Anatomy of a Client Account Fee
This section outlines the primary details and attributes regarding a Client Account Fee.
Primary Fields
Client Account
This is the Client Account that the fee is being generated for.
Line Item Category
This is the categorization that will be given to the Client Line Items that are generated from the Client Account Fee.
Billing Style
This setting controls the way in which the Client Account Fee amount is calculated. There are two options: *fixed* and *formula*,Billing a fixed amount will generate a single client line item for the amount specified in the 'Amount' field. Billing a formula will generate a dynamic amount that's calculated based on the formula specified in the 'Formula' field.
Header Label
This is the name of the Client Account Fee as you would like it to appear in Discovery.
This is additional Information/labeling you would like to include for this Client Account Fee.
This is the frequency that you would like the fee to be billed at. Available options are *One Time*, *Monthly*, *Annually*, and *Quarterly*
Start Date
This is the date you wish the billing for this fee to start on.
End Date
This is the date you wish the billing for this fee to end on. It's not applicable for fees with a billing frequency of *One Time*.
Internal Notes
This is a place for any internal notes you may wish to keep for this Client Account Fee.
A Client Account Fee in Discovery can be billed using a very power formula system that's derived from the data that's accrued by Discovery throughout the invoicing processing workflow.The Following Variables may be used to create a formula with a dynamic amount.
- {vendor_service_charges}: This will reduce down to the sum total of all billed vendor services charges (from the vendor invoice) for given *frequency* and the current open Fiscal Period in Discovery.
- {client_service_charges}: This reduces to the sum total of all client services charges (on the client invoice) across all Client Accounts under the client account, for a given *frequency* and the current open Fiscal Period in Discovery.
- {extraneous_client_service_charges}: This is a subset of the {client_service_charges} variable that's filtered to included the sum total of Client Line Items that originate from "Extraneous" Vendor Invoice charges only. These 'Extraneous' charges will be excess, contamination, and other unexpected charges that your hauler billed.
- {rental_client_service_charges}: This is a subset of the {client_service_charges} variable that's filtered to include Client Line Items that originate from "Rental" service charges only.
- {rolloff_client_service_charges}: This is a subset of the {client_service_charges} variable that's filtered to include Client Line Items that originate from Rolloff (both haul and tonnage) charges only.
- {rolloff_tonnage_client_service_charges}: This is a subset of the {client_service_charges} variable that's filtered to include Client Line Items that originate from Rolloff tonnage charges only.
- {rolloff_haul_client_service_charges}: This is a subset of the {client_service_charges} variable that's filtered to include Client Line Items that originate from Rolloff haul charges only.
- {commercial_client_service_charges}: This is a subset of the {client_service_charges} variable that's filtered to include Client Line Items that originate from "Commercial" service charges only.
- {doorstep_client_service_charges}: This is a subset of the {client_service_charges} variable that's filtered to include Client Line Items that originate from "Doorstep" service charges only.
- {audited_savings}: This is the sum total of audited service savings from the Vendor Invoice processing workflow. At the Client Account level, it will reduce down to the sum total of all Vendor Invoice audited savings for all services that fall under the Client Account. This is of course also based on the *frequency* of the Client Account Fee and will alsovary based on the current open Fiscal Period in Discovery.
- {occ_weight_in_tons}:This is the summed total weight (in tons) of all OCC waste generated across all locations and services during the given *frequency* and Fiscal Period.
- {occ_weight_in_lbs}:This is the summed total weight (in pounds) of all OCC waste generated across all locations and services during the given *frequency* and Fiscal Period.
- {occ_weight_in_kilos}:This is the summed total weight (in kilos) of all OCC waste generated across all locations and services during the given *frequency* and Fiscal Period.
- {wood_weight_in_tons}:This is the summed total weight (in tons) of all wood waste generated across all locations and services during the given *frequency* and Fiscal Period.
- {wood_weight_in_lbs}:This is the summed total weight (in pounds) of all wood waste generated across all locations and services during the given *frequency* and Fiscal Period.
- {wood_weight_in_kilos}:This is the summed total weight (in kilos) of all wood waste generated across all locations and services during the given *frequency* and Fiscal Period.
- {msw_weight_in_tons}:This is the summed total weight (in tons) of all MSW waste generated across all locations and services during the given *frequency* and Fiscal Period.
- {msw_weight_in_lbs}:This is the summed total weight (in kilos) of all MSW waste generated across all locations and services during the given *frequency* and Fiscal Period.
- {msw_weight_in_kilos}This is the summed total weight (in kilos) of all MSW waste generated across all locations and services during the given *frequency* and Fiscal Period.
- {weight_in_tons}:This is the summed total weight (in tons) of all waste generated across all locations and services during the given *frequency* and Fiscal Period.
- {weight_in_pounds}:This is the summed total weight (in pounds) of all waste generated across all locations and services during the given *frequency* and Fiscal Period.
- {weight_in_kilos}:This is the summed total weight (in kilos) of all waste generated across all locations and services during the given *frequency* and Fiscal Period.

If you have additional questions or need more in depth information, please feel free to send us a message using the help beacon in the lower right-hand corner.