What is a Pickup?
Pickups represent instances when waste materials were collected from a specific location by a hauler. They encompass details such as the pickup date and the weight of the materials gathered. While pickups are invariably linked to a location, they can also be associated with services, work orders, and vendor invoice line items.
Pickups are created through one of four methods:
- Manual creation through the New Pickup form.
- Manual creation via Bulk Insert.
- Automatic creation from schedules of scheduled Commercial Services.
- Automatic creation from Vendor Invoice Line Items on Approved Vendor Invoices.
Fields on a pickup can be adjusted after its creation. Pickups that have been created or altered by a user won't be modified by automated processes, except when attaching line items from approved vendor invoices.
How do I?
- How do I manually create a pickup?
- How do I bulk import pickups?
- How are Pickups created from Commercial Service schedules?
- How do Vendor Invoices affect Pickups?
- How do I detach a Vendor Invoice Line Item from a Pickup?
Pickup Components
This section outlines the primary details and attributes regarding an Incident.
- Location: The location this pickup happened at.
- Service: The service this pickup happened for. When creating or editing a pickup, only services at the selected location will be shown.
- Work Order: The work order this pickup resulted from. When creating or editing a pickup, only work orders at the selected location will be shown.
- Material Type: Material type of the pickup. If a service is chosen when creating or editing the pickup, this will update to match the material type on the service's bin. However, you are always able to override the material type to correct data.
- Pickup Date: The date this pickup happened on.
- Weight Value: The number of weight units this pickup weighed.
- Weight Unit: The unit this pickup's weight value is recorded in. Valid values are below:
- kilograms
- pounds
- short tons
- metric tons
- Disposal Method: Method indicating how this pickup was disposed. Valid values are below:
- Composted
- Incineration
- Landfill
- Recycling
- Reuse
- External Reference Id: External system or user-defined Id for this pickup.
Additionally, pickups are also attached to vendor invoice line items when invoices are approved. These line items show up near the bottom of the page when viewing a pickup.

If you have additional questions or need more in depth information, please feel free to send us a message using the help beacon in the lower right-hand corner.