How Do I Process a Client Payment?
Once a Client Invoice is sent out, it then reflects a Sent status. It will remain in this status until one of two actions occurs:
A full payment is received and entered into Discovery as a Client Payment. It will then reflect a status of Paid.
- The payment due date expires and the status is automatically changed to Delinquent.
A Client Invoice with a status of Sent or Delinquent can accept a Client Payment. Once you physically receive the payment, you'll need to process the Client Payment in Discovery.
Before Client Payments can be processed, you must first complete Accounting Integration. Please see either the Quickbooks Online Integration or Quickbooks Desktop Integration documentation on how to complete this step.
Discovery can accommodate a variety of Client Payments scenarios. The most straightforward scenario is one payment method (e.g. a single check) for one Client Invoice. Here's how to process this type of Client Payment:
One Client Payment | One Client Invoice
- 1
- Click on Invoicing.
- 2
- Click on Revenue.
- 3
Click on the Payments tab.
- 4
Here, you'll find all Client Payments that have been processed into Discovery. To process new payments into Discovery, click on the New Batch button.
- 5
Select a Payment Method.
- 6
Select a Receipt Location.Note: Receipt Locations will need to be set up in advance to populate here. Please see the How Do I Set Up Receipt Locations documentation on how to do this.A Client Payment remittance table will now display below.
- 7
Provide a Receipt Date.
- 8
Update the Batch Name if preferred.
Now we can move on to populating data into the Client Payment remittance table, which requires data in every cell for each Client Payment.
- 9
Provide the Check Number.
- 10
Provide the Check Amount.
- 11
Provide the Check Date.
- 12
Provide the Remitter Name.
- 13
In the Invoice Number cell, double click on the small downward facing triangle. This will display a list of Client Invoices that are either Sent (Due) or Delinquent. Select your Invoice from this list.
Making a selection here will pre-populate the Client Company and Client Account cells with respective data pulled in from Discovery.
- 14
Enter an Applied Amount.
Note: When there is one Client Payment for one Client Invoice, the Check Amount must exactly match the Applied Amount. There can be no left over funds from a check used to pay a Client Invoice. If you receive a processing error, ensure these two amounts match.
Inversely, you can partially pay a Client Invoice given the payment is fully utilized and is less than the balance of the Client Invoice (e.g Client Invoice Balance = $700, Check Amount = $500, Applied Amount = $500, New Client Invoice Balance after payment= $200).
- 15
- Repeat adding new records for any other Client Payments you wish to process in this Client Payment Batch.
- 16
When you're finished, click the Apply Payments button.
- 17
The Client Payment will now display on the Payments tab in Revenue. To view a Client Payment's details, click on Edit.
Another common Client Payment scenario, is one payment method (e.g. a single check) for multiple Client Invoices.
For this example, consider we have a payment check in the amount of $7,675.93. This check will precisely pay the sum total of the following 3 Client Invoice's amount due:
- #118683 | $1365.00
- #118684 | $4028.25
- #118684 | $7675.93
Here's how to process this type of Client Payment:
One Client Payment | Multiple Client Invoices
- 1
- Click on Invoicing.
- 2
- Click on Revenue.
- 3
Click on the Payments tab.
- 4
Here, you'll find all Client Payments that have been processed into Discovery. To process new payments into Discovery, click on the New Batch button.
- 5
Select a Payment Method.
- 6
Select a Receipt Location.Note: Receipt Locations will need to be set up in advance to populate here. Please see the How Do I Set Up Receipt Locations documentation on how to do this.A Client Payment remittance table will now display below.
- 7
Provide a Receipt Date.
- 8
Update the Batch Name if preferred.
Now we can move on to populating data into the Client Payment remittance table, which requires data in every cell for each Client Payment.
- 9
Provide the same Check Number for all three Client Invoices.
- 10
Provide the same Check Amount for all three Client Invoices.
- 11
Provide the same Check Date for all three Client Invoices.
- 12
Provide the same Remitter Name for all three Client Invoices.
- 13
In the Invoice Number cell, double click on the small downward facing triangle. This will display a list of Client Invoices that are either Sent (Due) or Delinquent. Select your first Invoice from this list.
Making a selection here will pre-populate the Client Company and Client Account cells with respective data pulled in from Discovery.
- 14
Repeat for the remaining two invoices.
- 15
Enter an Applied Amount for each Client Invoice.
Note: When there is one Client Payment for multiple Client Invoice, the Check Amount must exactly match the sum total of the Applied Amounts. There can be no left over funds on a check used to pay Client Invoices. If you receive a processing error, ensure these two amounts match.
- 16
Repeat adding new records for any other Client Payments you wish to process in this Client Payment Batch.
By default, the Payment table loads with 25 rows. If you need additinal rows, place the cursor in any cell of the last row and press the Return/Enter key on your keyboard for every row you need to add.
- 17
When you're finished, click the Apply Payments button.
You may encounter other Client Payment scenarios that aren't covered here. If you have issues processing Client Payments, please reach out to our help desk using the round orange beacon in the lower right-hand area of Discovery. We'll be sure to reply promptly to address any questions you may have.

If you have additional questions or need more in depth information, please feel free to send us a message using the help beacon in the lower right-hand corner.