How Do I Archive a Processed Vendor Invoice?
There will be occasions when you have Processed Vendor Invoices in your queue that you prefer not to Audit. Additionally, you may not want them cluttering up the Audit - Vendor Invoices index page. In these cases, Discovery provides you with a method to Archive them.
Archiving a Processed Vendor Invoice does not remove it from Discovery, but rather hides it from view and prevents it from being Audited. It can be viewed at any time if you choose to show Archived Vendor Invoices by way of the Filter provided on the Audit - Vendor Invoices index page.
Archived Vendor Invoices are hidden by the default filters applied to the Audit - Vendor Invoices index page. To include Archived Invoices, select Included Archived.
Processed Vendor Invoices with any status can be Archived. There are two methods to Archive Processed Vendor Invoices: Individually and Bulk.
Archive Individually
To Archive Processed Vendor Invoices individually, please follow this steps:
- 1
- Click on Invoicing.
- 2
- Click on Audit.
- 3
- Use the Search and Filter options to locate your target Processed Vendor Invoice.
- 4
Click on Edit.
- 5
Click on the Archive button.
Archive in Bulk
If you have one or more Processed Vendor Invoices, you may elect to Archive them in bulk. To do so, please follow these steps:
- 1
- Click on Invoicing.
- 2
- Click on Audit.
- 3
- Use the Search and Filter options to locate your target Processed Vendor Invoice(s).
- 4
Click the checkbox to the left of each Processed Vendor Invoice you wish to Archive.
- 5
The Archive button above the table will activate if all selected Processed Vendor Invoices are eligible for Archiving (not currently Archived). Click the Archive button.

If you have additional questions or need more in depth information, please feel free to send us a message using the help beacon in the lower right-hand corner.