How Do I Edit a Service?
Once a Service is established, maintenance is often required to keep it current or correct a mistake that was recorded when the Services was first created. Discovery allows changes to be made to Services through a two different paths: Edits and Corrections. It's very important to identify the differences and when to use each.
When to use Edits?
Service Edits are applied when a real life changes arise through natural means. For instance, if pickup days change for a Service then a Service Edit needs to be made to reflect this change.
Additionally, these kind of progressive changes need to be enacted as Service Edits in order to properly maintain the Service Timeline. The Service Timeline displays all edits chronologically as they occurred. In this way, a clear lineage of the Service can be observed and used to better understand how a Service has evolved over time.
Now that you've determined a Service Edit is needed, please follow these steps to create a Service Edit that will appear in the Service Timeline:
- Click on Records.
- Click on Services.
- Use the Search and Filter options to locate your Service.
- Click on Edit for your Service. Alternately, you can click the View button and then click on Actions — Edit Service.
- The next step is to inform Discovery about who originated change originated with; who is making the change. Your choices are the Vendor, the Client Company or your Company. The options available in these groups vary. Click on each to see what options are available.
- Click your change type. Options provided will vary based upon your choice. Here we chose a Vendor requested Pricing Change.
- Enter a date when this correction should happen.
Be mindful that this date may not be the current date. For instance, if today is May 15 but the Vendor Price Change occurred on May 1, then you'd want to record the price change as occurring on May 1.
- Select a reason you are making this change.
- Make your desired service edits. In this case, we are simply updating the vendor base charge.
- Provide any notes that may be helpful in documenting details regarding this Edit.
- Click on Submit Change.
This new Service Edit will now appear in the Service Timeline.

If you have additional questions or need more in depth information, please feel free to send us a message using the help beacon in the lower right-hand corner.