How do I find a Client Contract?

To locate a Client Contract, please follow these steps as a guide.

Method 1:  Global Search

You can quickly find a Client Contract by leveraging the Global Search bar at the top of any page. 

The Global Search returns entities that match your search term. To isolate only Client Contract results, precede your search term with "client-contract:" with or without a space after the colon.

Try narrowing Client Contract search results by Client Company Name or Client Contract ID.

Method 2:  Client Contract Index Page

1. Click on Contracts.

Click on Contracts.

2. Click on Client Contracts.

Click on Client Contracts.

3. Use the Search and Filter fields to locate your target Client Contract.

Use the Search and Filter fields to locate your target Client Contract.

4. Once you've located your target Client Contract, click on Edit or View.

Once you've located your target Client Contract, click on Edit or View.
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