Bulk Importing Services
Discovery's Bulk Import option enables the rapid creation of multiple Services, provided all necessary vendor data is organized into an Import template file*. All Import template files are included in a single downloadable file available for download on the Bulk Imports page under Settings.
Import Template Fields
The provided Import template file (Services.csv) needs to retain all fields (columns), in no particular order, even if the fields are not required.
All Service types have their own column requirements based on the type of Service. This is determined by what value you provide in the type column. If the Service type you provide is not within our list of Service types (Commercial, Rolloff, Rental, Device, or Doorstep), your Service will not be added. For each type of Service, the following sections designate what fields need a value and the type of data needed in these fields.
Commercial Service
The following fields are required to have data for each Commercial Service record:
- type | Must be "Commercial"
- location_id | Generated by Discovery upon Location creation**.
- vendor_id | Generated by Discovery upon Vendor creation**.
- service_account_type | Must be an approved service account type (case sensitive):
- Permanent
- Temporary
- service_schedule_type | Must be an approved service schedule type (case sensitive):
- Scheduled
- On Call
- One Time
- average_pickups_per_week | Required if the service schedule type is Scheduled
pickup_rrule_freq, pickup_rrule_interval , and pickup_rrule_byday fields are not provided. - pickup_rrule_dtstart | Required if the service schedule type is Scheduled.
if an average_pickups_per_week is not provided.
Must be a valid date. - pickup_rrule_freq | Required if the service schedule type is Scheduled
if an average_pickups_per_week value is not provided.
Must be an approved pickup frequency (case sensitive):- DAILY
- pickup_rrule_interval | Required if the service schedule type is Scheduled
if an average_pickups_per_week value is not provided.
This integer depicts how many weeks, months or years defined in the pickup_rrule_freq field transpire between pickups (e.g. repeat every 3 weeks). - pickup_rrule_byday | Required if the service schedule type is Scheduled
is on a weekly pickup_rrule_freq
if an average_pickups_per_week value is not provided.
Must be any approved day label (case sensitive) or comma separated combination of these with no spaces (e.g. MO,WE,FR):- MO
- TU
- WE
- TH
- FR
- SA
- SU
Required only if you are also subscribed to our Revenue tier:
- is_pass_through | Must be one of the following (0 for No, 1 for yes):
- 0
- 1
- client_billing_frequency | Required only if Is Pass Through is set to "No." Not allowed if Pass Through is set to "Yes." Must be an approved billing frequency (case sensitive):
- Not Billable
- Per Vendor Invoice
- One Time
- Monthly
- Quarterly
- Yearly
The following fields are optional and do not require data for each Commercial Service record:
- vendor_account_id | Generated by Discovery upon Vendor Account creation**.
- vendor_contract_id | Generated by Discovery upon Vendor Contract creation**.
- Leave this field blank if you are missing the vendor contract.
- If the service has no vendor contract, enter 'no_contract'.
- vendor_base_charge | Must be provided as a number (without dollar sign) to represent dollars. Two decimals places are allowed to indicate cents.
- bin_quantity
- bin_size
- bin_size_metric | Must be an approved bin size metric (case sensitive):
- yards
- gallons
- foot
- bin_material_type | Must be an approved bin material type (case sensitive):
- Aluminum (Cans, Loose)
- Animal Bedding
- Asphalt
- Bailed Plastic
- Baled Paper
- Bio-Hazard
- Blood and Bloodborne Pathogen Waste
- Bulk
- Chemotherapy & Pathogen
- Colored Ledger Paper (Loose)
- Computer Paper (Loose)
- Concrete
- Construction & Demo.
- Containers (Cans, Plastic)
- Corrugated Cardboard
- Cultures & Stocks
- Expired Medication
- File Stock
- Food Waste
- Glass (crushed)
- Glass (loose)
- Green Bar Paper
- Manure
- Metal
- Mixed Electronics
- Mixed Paper (Loose)
- Mixed Recycling
- Newspaper (Loose)
- Office Paper (Loose)
- Organic Waste
- Other
- Pharmaceutical
- Plastic #2
- Polystyrene
- Sand
- Scrap Metal
- Sharps Box
- Single Stream Recycling
- Sludge
- Textiles
- Tin
- Tires
- White Ledger (Loose)
- Wood (C&D)
- Wood (Chips)
- Wood (Pallets)
- Yard Waste
- Aluminum (Cans, Loose)
- bin_disposal_method | Must be an approved bin disposal method (case sensitive):
- Composted
- Incineration
- Landfill
- Recycling
- Reuse
- bin_type | Must be an approved bin type (case sensitive):
- Front Load
- Rear Load
- Side Load
- Split Front Load
- Toter
- Trap
- Hand Pickup
- Open Top Rolloff
- Roll Top Rolloff
- Compactor - Self-Contained
- Compactor - Stationary
- Compactor - Unknown
- Compactor - Apartment
- Compactor - Vertical Baler
- Compactor - Horizontal Baler
- Receiver Box
- FL Comp
- RL Comp
- Pioneer Monitor
- Gaylord
- Bulk
- Moving Floor Trailer
- Storage Container
- Dry Van Trailer
- Other
- Front Load
- bin_is_compacted_or_baled | Must be one of the following (0 for No, 1 for Yes):
- 0
- 1
- 0
- bin_compaction_ratio
- bin_pounds_per_yard
- bin_kilograms_per_yard
- bin_has_casters | Must be one of the following (0 for No, 1 for Yes):
- 0
- 1
- bin_enclosure | Must be one of the following (0 for No, 1 for Yes):
- 0
- 1
- bin_requires_overhead_instructions | Must be one of the following (0 for No, 1 for Yes):
- 0
- 1
- bin_container_access_times | Text description
- bin_configuration | Must be an approved bin configuration (case sensitive):
- Flat top
- Slant top
- Slotted
- Other
- Unsure
- bin_owner | Must be an approved bin owner (case sensitive):
- Unknown
- Vendor
- Customer
- Third Party
- Company (this is you)
- bin_keys | Must be one of the following (0 for No, 1 for Yes):
- 0
- 1
- bin_has_lids | Must be one of the following (0 for No, 1 for Yes):
- 0
- 1
- bin_has_lock | Must be one of the following (0 for No, 1 for Yes):
- 0
- 1
- bin_secured_access | Must be one of the following (0 for No, 1 for Yes):
- 0
- 1
- bin_push_out_service | Must be one of the following (0 for No, 1 for Yes):
- 0
- 1
- bin_side_door_to_bin | Must be one of the following (0 for No, 1 for Yes):
- 0
- 1
- bin_compaction_method | Must be an approved compaction method (case sensitive):
- N/A
- Auger
- Hydrolic
- bin_area_description
- client_base_charge | Must be provided as a number (without dollar sign) to represent dollars. Two decimals places are allowed to indicate cents.
- client_contract_id | Generated by Discovery upon Client Contract creation.
- label
- effective_date | The date must be after 1/1/2000. Format 'mm/dd/yyyy'.
- sticky_notes
- external_reference_id
- bin_latitude
- bin_longitude
All other fields are used for other Service Types and can be ignored.
Rolloff Service
The following fields are required to have data for each Rolloff Service record:
- type | Must be "Rolloff"
- location_id | Generated by Discovery upon Location creation**.
- vendor_id | Generated by Discovery upon Vendor creation**.
- service_account_type | Must be an approved service account type (case sensitive):
- Permanent
- Temporary
- service_schedule_type | Must be an approved service schedule type (case sensitive):
- Scheduled
- On Call
- One Time
- average_pickups_per_week | Required if the service schedule type is Scheduled
pickup_rrule_freq, pickup_rrule_interval , and pickup_rrule_byday fields are not provided. - pickup_rrule_dtstart | Required if the service schedule type is Scheduled.
if an average_pickups_per_week is not provided.
Must be a valid date. - pickup_rrule_freq | Required if the service schedule type is Scheduled
if an average_pickups_per_week value is not provided.
Must be an approved pickup frequency (case sensitive):- DAILY
- pickup_rrule_interval | Required if the service schedule type is Scheduled
if an average_pickups_per_week value is not provided.
This integer depicts how many weeks, months or years defined in the pickup_rrule_freq field transpire between pickups (e.g. repeat every 3 weeks). - pickup_rrule_byday | Required if the service schedule type is Scheduled
is on a weekly pickup_rrule_freq
if an average_pickups_per_week value is not provided.
Must be any approved day label (case sensitive) or comma separated combination of these with no spaces (e.g. MO,WE,FR):- MO
- TU
- WE
- TH
- FR
- SA
- SU
- units_included_per_occurrence
Required only if you are also subscribed to our Revenue tier:
- is_pass_through | Must be one of the following (0 for No, 1 for yes):
- 0
- 1
- client_billing_frequency | Required only if Is Pass Through is set to "No." Not allowed if Pass Through is set to "Yes." Must be an approved billing frequency (case sensitive):
- Not Billable
- Per Vendor Invoice
The following fields are optional and do not require data for each Rolloff Service record:
- vendor_account_id | Generated by Discovery upon Vendor Account creation**.
- vendor_contract_id | Generated by Discovery upon Vendor Contract creation**.
- Leave this field blank if you are missing the vendor contract.
- If the service has no vendor contract, enter 'no_contract'.
- vendor_per_unit_charge | Must be provided as a number (without dollar sign) to represent dollars. Two decimals places are allowed to indicate cents.
- vendor_per_occurrence_charge | Must be provided as a number (without dollar sign) to represent dollars. Two decimals places are allowed to indicate cents.
- bin_quantity
- bin_size
- bin_size_metric | Must be an approved bin size metric (case sensitive):
- yards
- gallons
- foot
- bin_material_type | Must be an approved bin material type (case sensitive):
- Aluminum (Cans, Loose)
- Animal Bedding
- Asphalt
- Bailed Plastic
- Baled Paper
- Bio-Hazard
- Blood and Bloodborne Pathogen Waste
- Bulk
- Chemotherapy & Pathogen
- Colored Ledger Paper (Loose)
- Computer Paper (Loose)
- Concrete
- Construction & Demo.
- Containers (Cans, Plastic)
- Corrugated Cardboard
- Cultures & Stocks
- Expired Medication
- File Stock
- Food Waste
- Glass (crushed)
- Glass (loose)
- Green Bar Paper
- Manure
- Metal
- Mixed Electronics
- Mixed Paper (Loose)
- Mixed Recycling
- Newspaper (Loose)
- Office Paper (Loose)
- Organic Waste
- Other
- Pharmaceutical
- Plastic #2
- Polystyrene
- Sand
- Scrap Metal
- Sharps Box
- Single Stream Recycling
- Sludge
- Textiles
- Tin
- Tires
- White Ledger (Loose)
- Wood (C&D)
- Wood (Chips)
- Wood (Pallets)
- Yard Waste
- Aluminum (Cans, Loose)
- bin_disposal_method | Must be an approved bin disposal method (case sensitive):
- Composted
- Incineration
- Landfill
- Recycling
- Reuse
- bin_type | Must be an approved bin type (case sensitive):
- Front Load
- Rear Load
- Side Load
- Split Front Load
- Toter
- Trap
- Hand Pickup
- Open Top Rolloff
- Roll Top Rolloff
- Compactor - Self-Contained
- Compactor - Stationary
- Compactor - Unknown
- Compactor - Apartment
- Compactor - Vertical Baler
- Compactor - Horizontal Baler
- Receiver Box
- FL Comp
- RL Comp
- Pioneer Monitor
- Gaylord
- Bulk
- Moving Floor Trailer
- Storage Container
- Dry Van Trailer
- Other
- Front Load
- bin_is_compacted_or_baled | Must be one of the following (0 for No, 1 for Yes):
- 0
- 1
- 0
- bin_compaction_ratio
- bin_pounds_per_yard
- bin_kilograms_per_yard
- bin_has_casters | Must be one of the following (0 for No, 1 for Yes):
- 0
- 1
- bin_enclosure | Must be one of the following (0 for No, 1 for Yes):
- 0
- 1
- bin_requires_overhead_instructions | Must be one of the following (0 for No, 1 for Yes):
- 0
- 1
- bin_container_access_times | Text description
- bin_configuration | Must be an approved bin configuration (case sensitive):
- Flat top
- Slant top
- Slotted
- Other
- Unsure
- bin_owner | Must be an approved bin owner (case sensitive):
- Unknown
- Vendor
- Customer
- Third Party
- Company (this is you)
- bin_keys | Must be one of the following (0 for No, 1 for Yes):
- 0
- 1
- bin_has_lids | Must be one of the following (0 for No, 1 for Yes):
- 0
- 1
- bin_has_lock | Must be one of the following (0 for No, 1 for Yes):
- 0
- 1
- bin_secured_access | Must be one of the following (0 for No, 1 for Yes):
- 0
- 1
- bin_push_out_service | Must be one of the following (0 for No, 1 for Yes):
- 0
- 1
- bin_side_door_to_bin | Must be one of the following (0 for No, 1 for Yes):
- 0
- 1
- bin_compaction_method | Must be an approved compaction method (case sensitive):
- N/A
- Auger
- Hydrolic
- bin_area_description
- client_per_unit_charge | Must be provided as a number (without dollar sign) to represent dollars. Two decimals places are allowed to indicate cents.
- client_per_occurrence_charge | Must be provided as a number (without dollar sign) to represent dollars. Two decimals places are allowed to indicate cents.
- client_contract_id | Generated by Discovery upon Client Contract creation**.
- label
- effective_date | The date must be after 1/1/2000. Format 'mm/dd/yyyy'.
- sticky_notes
- external_reference_id
- bin_latitude
- bin_longitude
All other fields are used for other Service Types and can be ignored.
Rental Service
The following fields are required to have data for each Rental Service record:
- type | Must be "Rental"
- location_id | Generated by Discovery upon Location creation**.
- vendor_id | Generated by Discovery upon Vendor creation**.
Required only if you are also subscribed to our Revenue tier:
- is_pass_through | Must be one of the following (0 for No, 1 for yes):
- 0
- 1
client_billing_frequency | Required only if Is Pass Through is set to "No." Not allowed if Is Pass Through is set to "Yes." Must be an approved billing frequency (case sensitive):
- Not Billable
- Per Vendor Invoice
- One Time
- Monthly
- Quarterly
- Yearly
The following fields are optional and do not require data for each Rental Service record:
- vendor_account_id | Generated by Discovery upon Vendor Account creation**.
- vendor_contract_id | Generated by Discovery upon Vendor Contract creation**
- Leave this field blank if you are missing the vendor contract.
- If the service has no vendor contract, enter 'no_contract'.
- vendor_base_charge | Must be provided as a number (without dollar sign) to represent dollars. Two decimals places are allowed to indicate cents.
- bin_quantity
- bin_size
- bin_size_metric | Must be an approved bin size metric (case sensitive):
- yards
- gallons
- foot
- bin_material_type | Must be an approved bin material type (case sensitive):
- Aluminum (Cans, Loose)
- Animal Bedding
- Asphalt
- Bailed Plastic
- Baled Paper
- Bio-Hazard
- Blood and Bloodborne Pathogen Waste
- Bulk
- Chemotherapy & Pathogen
- Colored Ledger Paper (Loose)
- Computer Paper (Loose)
- Concrete
- Construction & Demo.
- Containers (Cans, Plastic)
- Corrugated Cardboard
- Cultures & Stocks
- Expired Medication
- File Stock
- Food Waste
- Glass (crushed)
- Glass (loose)
- Green Bar Paper
- Manure
- Metal
- Mixed Electronics
- Mixed Paper (Loose)
- Mixed Recycling
- Newspaper (Loose)
- Office Paper (Loose)
- Organic Waste
- Other
- Pharmaceutical
- Plastic #2
- Polystyrene
- Sand
- Scrap Metal
- Sharps Box
- Single Stream Recycling
- Sludge
- Textiles
- Tin
- Tires
- White Ledger (Loose)
- Wood (C&D)
- Wood (Chips)
- Wood (Pallets)
- Yard Waste
- Aluminum (Cans, Loose)
- bin_disposal_method | Must be an approved bin disposal method (case sensitive):
- Composted
- Incineration
- Landfill
- Recycling
- Reuse
- bin_type | Must be an approved bin type (case sensitive):
- Front Load
- Rear Load
- Side Load
- Split Front Load
- Toter
- Trap
- Hand Pickup
- Open Top Rolloff
- Roll Top Rolloff
- Compactor - Self-Contained
- Compactor - Stationary
- Compactor - Unknown
- Compactor - Apartment
- Compactor - Vertical Baler
- Compactor - Horizontal Baler
- Receiver Box
- FL Comp
- RL Comp
- Pioneer Monitor
- Gaylord
- Bulk
- Moving Floor Trailer
- Storage Container
- Dry Van Trailer
- Other
- Front Load
- bin_is_compacted_or_baled | Must be one of the following (0 for No, 1 for Yes):
- 0
- 1
- 0
- bin_compaction_ratio
- bin_pounds_per_yard
- bin_kilograms_per_yard
- bin_has_casters | Must be one of the following (0 for No, 1 for Yes):
- 0
- 1
- bin_enclosure | Must be one of the following (0 for No, 1 for Yes):
- 0
- 1
- bin_requires_overhead_instructions | Must be one of the following (0 for No, 1 for Yes):
- 0
- 1
- bin_container_access_times | Text description
- bin_configuration | Must be an approved bin configuration (case sensitive):
- Flat top
- Slant top
- Slotted
- Other
- Unsure
- bin_owner | Must be an approved bin owner (case sensitive):
- Unknown
- Vendor
- Customer
- Third Party
- Company (this is you)
- bin_keys | Must be one of the following (0 for No, 1 for Yes):
- 0
- 1
- bin_has_lids | Must be one of the following (0 for No, 1 for Yes):
- 0
- 1
- bin_has_lock | Must be one of the following (0 for No, 1 for Yes):
- 0
- 1
- bin_secured_access | Must be one of the following (0 for No, 1 for Yes):
- 0
- 1
- bin_push_out_service | Must be one of the following (0 for No, 1 for Yes):
- 0
- 1
- bin_side_door_to_bin | Must be one of the following (0 for No, 1 for Yes):
- 0
- 1
- bin_compaction_method | Must be an approved compaction method (case sensitive):
- N/A
- Auger
- Hydrolic
- bin_area_description
- client_base_charge | Must be provided as a number (without dollar sign) to represent dollars. Two decimals places are allowed to indicate cents.
- equipment_manufacturer
- client_contract_id | Generated by Discovery upon Client Contract creation**.
- label
- effective_date | The date must be after 1/1/2000. Format 'mm/dd/yyyy'.
- sticky_notes
- external_reference_id
- bin_latitude
- bin_longitude
All other fields are used for other Service Types and can be ignored.
Device Service
The following fields are required to have data for each Device Service record:
- type | Must be "Device"
- location_id | Generated by Discovery upon Location creation**.
- vendor_id | Generated by Discovery upon Vendor creation**.
Required only if you are also subscribed to our Revenue tier:
- is_pass_through | Must be one of the following (0 for No, 1 for yes):
- 0
- 1
client_billing_frequency | Required only if Is Pass Through is set to "No." Not allowed if Pass Through is set to "Yes." Must be an approved billing frequency (case sensitive):
- Not Billable
- Per Vendor Invoice
- One Time
- Monthly
- Quarterly
- Yearly
The following fields are optional and do not require data for each Device Service record:
- vendor_account_id | Generated by Discovery upon Vendor Account creation**.
- vendor_contract_id | Generated by Discovery upon Vendor Contract creation**.
- Leave this field blank if you are missing the vendor contract.
- If the service has no vendor contract, enter 'no contract'.
- vendor_base_charge | Must be provided as a number (without dollar sign) to represent dollars. Two decimals places are allowed to indicate cents.
- client_base_charge | Must be provided as a number (without dollar sign) to represent dollars. Two decimals places are allowed to indicate cents.
- client_contract_id | Generated by Discovery upon Client Contract creation**.
- label
- effective_date | The date must be after 1/1/2000. Format 'mm/dd/yyyy'.
- sticky_notes
- external_reference_id
All other fields are used for other Service Types and can be ignored.
Doorstep Service
The following fields are required to have data for each Doorstep Service record:
- type | Must be "Doorstep"
- location_id | Generated by Discovery upon Location creation**.
- vendor_id | Generated by Discovery upon Vendor creation**.
- service_account_type | Must be an approved service account type (case sensitive):
- Permanent
- Temporary
- service_schedule_type | Must be an approved service schedule type (case sensitive):
- Scheduled
- On Call
- One Time
- average_pickups_per_week | Required if the service schedule type is Scheduled
pickup_rrule_freq, pickup_rrule_interval , and pickup_rrule_byday fields are not provided. - pickup_rrule_dtstart | Required if the service schedule type is Scheduled.
if an average_pickups_per_week is not provided.
Must be a valid date. - pickup_rrule_freq | Required if the service schedule type is Scheduled
if an average_pickups_per_week value is not provided.
Must be an approved pickup frequency (case sensitive):- DAILY
- pickup_rrule_interval | Required if the service schedule type is Scheduled
if an average_pickups_per_week value is not provided.
This integer depicts how many weeks, months or years defined in the pickup_rrule_freq field transpire between pickups (e.g. repeat every 3 weeks). - pickup_rrule_byday | Required if the service schedule type is Scheduled
is on a weekly pickup_rrule_freq
if an average_pickups_per_week value is not provided.
Must be any approved day label (case sensitive) or comma separated combination of these with no spaces (e.g. MO,WE,FR):- MO
- TU
- WE
- TH
- FR
- SA
- SU
Required only if you are also subscribed to our Revenue tier:
- is_pass_through | Must be one of the following (0 for No, 1 for yes):
- 0
- 1
client_billing_frequency | Required only if Is Pass Through is set to "No." Not allowed if Is Pass Through is set to "Yes." Must be an approved billing frequency (case sensitive):
- Not Billable
- Per Vendor Invoice
- One Time
- Monthly
- Quarterly
- Yearly
The following fields are optional and do not require data for each Commercial Service record:
- vendor_account_id | Generated by Discovery upon Vendor Account creation**.
- vendor_contract_id | Generated by Discovery upon Vendor Contract creation**.
- Leave this field blank if you are missing the vendor contract.
- If the service has no vendor contract, enter 'no contract'.
- vendor_base_charge | Must be provided as a number (without dollar sign) to represent dollars. Two decimals places are allowed to indicate cents.
- vendor_per_unit_charge | Must be provided as a number (without dollar sign) to represent dollars. Two decimals places are allowed to indicate cents.
- bin_quantity
- bin_size
- bin_size_metric | Must be an approved bin size metric (case sensitive):
- yards
- gallons
- foot
- bin_material_type | Must be an approved bin material type (case sensitive):
- Aluminum (Cans, Loose)
- Animal Bedding
- Asphalt
- Bailed Plastic
- Baled Paper
- Bio-Hazard
- Blood and Bloodborne Pathogen Waste
- Bulk
- Chemotherapy & Pathogen
- Colored Ledger Paper (Loose)
- Computer Paper (Loose)
- Concrete
- Construction & Demo.
- Containers (Cans, Plastic)
- Corrugated Cardboard
- Cultures & Stocks
- Expired Medication
- File Stock
- Food Waste
- Glass (crushed)
- Glass (loose)
- Green Bar Paper
- Manure
- Metal
- Mixed Electronics
- Mixed Paper (Loose)
- Mixed Recycling
- Newspaper (Loose)
- Office Paper (Loose)
- Organic Waste
- Other
- Pharmaceutical
- Plastic #2
- Polystyrene
- Sand
- Scrap Metal
- Sharps Box
- Single Stream Recycling
- Sludge
- Textiles
- Tin
- Tires
- White Ledger (Loose)
- Wood (C&D)
- Wood (Chips)
- Wood (Pallets)
- Yard Waste
- Aluminum (Cans, Loose)
- client_contract_id | Generated by Discovery upon Client Contract creation**.
- label
- client_base_charge | Must be provided as a number (without dollar sign) to represent dollars. Two decimals places are allowed to indicate cents.
- client_per_unit_charge | Must be provided as a number (without dollar sign) to represent dollars. Two decimals places are allowed to indicate cents.
- effective_date | The date must be after 1/1/2000. Format 'mm/dd/yyyy'.
- sticky_notes
- external_reference_id
All other fields are used for other Service Types and can be ignored.
Most Import template files can leverage an external reference ID. This allows you to utilize existing reference labels from your current database or system for all entities in Discovery (vendors, locations, clients, etc.). Moreover, external reference ID's can be substituted for required "_id" fields in Discovery's Import templates allowing for faster importation of data. To learn more about how external reference ID's are used, please see the External Reference ID's article.
Once all Service records have been added, upload the Import template file using the New button on the Bulk Imports page under Settings. For more on how to do this, please visit the Bulk Imports Overview help document.
*Import file name and its column headers cannot be edited.
**When any ID field is required (_id), this indicates an ID that is generated and assigned by Discovery to a unique entity. You'll need to retrieve these ID's from Discovery or reference External Reference ID's. The general method to retrieve ID's in bulk is through a Custom Report. Please see the Export ID's with Custom Reports article covering how to generate a Custom Report to retrieve specific entity ID's. Alternatively, you may substitute ID's with any External Reference ID you've set up for any specific entity entry. Please visit External Reference IDs to learn more about this process.

If you have additional questions or need more in depth information, please feel free to send us a message using the help beacon in the lower right-hand corner.