Rover Credentials

How we use Rover Credentials

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The process of collecting all new invoices daily from a collection of Vendors can be time-intensive. Internal personnel interference and human error can contribute to missing or duplicate invoices. Also, it's often essential to begin processing invoices as soon as they're available from each Vendor, so time is of the essence.

To aid in this task, Discovery's Gather tier leverages a powerful intelligent invoice retrieval system; Rover. Through thoughtful automation, Rover handles the daily process of logging into each Vendor Portal, downloading a batch of new and pre-authorized invoices, and uploading them into Discovery's Gather - Vendor Invoice Files area on your behalf.

We've designed Rover's processes to be easy to set up and straightforward to use. For each Vendor from which you'd like to retrieve invoices, provide a set of Vendor portal credential pairs. This will establish a correspoding set of Rover Credentials in Discovery.

What Are Rover Credentials?

A Rover Credential pair (a username and password) is provided by your Vendor to access their online vendor portal. Within that portal, you'll find a list of your accounts with that Vendor and any associated invoices available for download. Rover will utilize the same credential pair to access these Vendor Invoices for incorporation into Discovery's Gather area.

How Do I Add a Rover Credential?

To see the Rover Credential creation process in action, please click the Take A Tour button below.

To create a new Rover Credential pair, please follow these written steps as a guide:

In the primary navigation, click on Invoicing.
Click on Rover Credentials.
Click on the New button.
In the input field, begin typing the name of your Vendor. Here we are looking for Republic Services as our Vendor. Typing in "rep" triggers a search. The search will return a list of Vendors that contain "rep" and that are currently are compatible with Rover.
Click on your Vendor name. Here, we've chosen Republic Services.

If you cannot locate your particular Vendor in Rover's vendor portal repository, please use one of the other Gather methods detailed on the Invoice Gathering Methods article.

In the Username field, please provide the portal username provided by your Vendor. Depending on the Vendor, you may encounter variations of the Username label (e.g. Account Number).
In the Password field, please provide the portal password provided by your Vendor. Depending on the Vendor, you may encounter variations of the Password label (e.g. Zip Code).
Before saving, consider the Fetch Latest Invoice toggle.

The default for this setting is off. Turning this on will automatically fetch the latest invoice once any accounts are Subscribed (more on subscribing accounts in the next section). We recommend leaving this off unless you are certain you would like to pull in the latest invoices immediately after an account's subscription is activated. An off setting indicates that new invoices will be fetched for subscribed accounts as the they become available.
Click on the Save button.
On the resulting screen, you'll see the Vendor Portal Credential summary.

Upon first viewing, you may notice a Status of Validating. This indicates that the intelligent invoice retrieval system is currently testing the Vendor Credential pair you provided and will soon be searching for accounts under this pair.

We encourage that you wait a moment and allow the authentication process to complete.
If the Vendor Credential pair is valid and allows access to the Vendor Portal, a Status of Valid will be returned.

Otherwise, you will see a Status of Authentication Failed - Invalid Credentials indicating the Vendor Credential pair did not match (username and/or password) with what is on record in the Vendor Portal. If this occurs, please check both the username and password for accuracy and make updates by clicking the Edit button.

Upon receiving a Valid Status, a count of of found accounts will be shown in the Summary section and a listing can be found in the Rover Accounts section.

Subscribing Accounts

Once a Rover Credential pair is validated and returns identified Rover Accounts from the vendor portal, the next step is determining what accounts you would like subscribed and fetched into Discovery's Gather area.

The Rover Accounts section will list the first 12 accounts that were discovered. The complete list can be accessed by clicking the View All link below the Rover Accounts section. Clicking on View All will take you to a general Rover Accounts listing page pre-filtered to only show Rover Account Numbers associated with these Rover Credential pair.

To see the Rover Account Subscription process in action, please click the Take A Tour button below.

To Subscribe Rover Accounts, please follow these written steps as a guide:

Click on View All.
Select the number of Rover Account Numbers to display on a single page.

Initially, 15 Rover Account Numbers are displayed on the page. We would like to see all Rover Accounts (or as many as we can) on a single page. Here we choose 100.
Please Subscribe the Rover Account Numbers for which you would like to fetch Vendor Invoices moving forward.

For each Rover Account Number you would like a Vendor Invoice fetched, please check the associated box in the first column and click the Subscribe button.

Discovery will poll this vendor portal daily for any new accounts you've marked as Subscribed and will fetch matching invoices into Discovery. Once invoices are fetched, they can be found in Discovery's Gather area. Subscribing a Rover Account number will not fetch an existing invoice unless you affirmed the Fetch Latest Invoices toggle during the preceding Vendor Credential Pair set up.

Here are some additional details you may consider:

  • Any Rover Account numbers not marked as Subscribed will not be fetched into Gathered.
  • The Most Recent Invoice Date column depicts the most recent date for a Vendor Invoice that was found in the vendor portal.
  • Once a Rover Account Number is Subscribed, the beginning subscription date will displayed in the Subscribed At column

Before finalizing your Subscription choices, please review the Matching section below.


Auto Matching

When viewing a Rover Credentials or Rover Accounts page, the Vendor Account column illustrates whether or not Discovery has automatically Matched a Rover Account number to an existing Vendor Account. Feel free to check out the Vendor Account documentation to find out why Vendor Accounts are such an integral component in Discovery!

Available statuses in this column are simply Matched or Unmatched. A Matched account will display the matching Vendor Account number as a blue link. An Unmatched status represents that no corresponding Vendor Account can be located in Discovery.

If possible, we highly recommend that a corresponding Vendor Account is set up for each Rover Account prior to establishing its managing Rover Credential pair in Discovery. This enables Discovery to automatically Match any discovered Rover Accounts (under a Rover Credential pair) to known Vendor Accounts.

To set up a Vendor Account, please follow the guidelines provided in the How do I create a Vendor Account help document. If Vendor Accounts are not set up beforehand, manual Matching will need to occur.

Manual Matching

Once all relevant Vendor Accounts are established, return to the existing target Rover Credentials page. You should not observe any changes, as automatic Matching only occurs upon initial Rover Credential pair validation. Additional steps are now needed to manually Match any identified Rover Accounts to its respective Vendor Account in Discovery.

To see the Manual Matching process in action, please click the Take A Tour button below.

To manually Match a Rover Account to a Vendor Account, please follow these written steps as a guide:

Click on Invoicing
Click on Rover Credentials
Using the Search and Filter options, locate your target Rover Portal Credentials.
Click on View
In the Rover Accounts section, you'll find a list of all accounts; Matched and Unmatched. For any Unmatched Rover Accounts you wish to manually Match, click on View.
Once on the Rover Account detail page, click on Edit.
Enter the Vendor Account number you previously created and want to match into the Vendor Account field. Select the Vendor Account from the available match.
Click on the Save button.
Return to the Rover Credential page to confirm this Rover Account is now Matched to a Vendor Account.

I've Signed New Business. What Do I Do Now?

When you've signed new business and received a new account number from your Vendor, you'll need to perform a few actions to ensure these new Vendor Invoices will be fetched into Discovery automatically moving forward.

Get the Account number from the Vendor.
Log into your Vendor's Portal and link the new Account number to that credential.
Navigate to the same Rover Credential pair within Discovery. If this Rover Credential pair does not yet exist, please add it as outlined in the How Do I Add a Vendor Credential? section above.
When viewing details for your target Rover Credential, you'll find a listing of discovered Vendor Portal Accounts. Discovery polls all Rover Credentials for new accounts a few times a week. It's possible your new Rover Account number has already been discovered. If you do not find your Rover Account in list, you can manually poll for new accounts using the blue round refresh account search button. It may take a few moments for Rover to login into the vendor portal and search for new Rover Accounts.
Once your new Rover Account has been discovered, you can then Subscribe the account to automatically fetch Vendor Invoices into Discovery.

If you have additional questions or need more in depth information, please feel free to send us a message using the help beacon in the lower right-hand corner.